Fast Business Loans
Where Can I Get Fast Funding for My Business?
Across the nation, from metro areas to every suburb, and in office parks, storefronts, and even their living rooms, entrepreneurs are building their businesses. To keep their commercial momentum going, these enterprising business owners have one thing in common: a growing need for fast loans, that is fast funding made available almost immediately. The traditional source for business financing, commercial banks, have not kept up with the speed of today’s businesses. Their loan processes involve stringent criteria, a blemish-free credit history, at least $100K in capital and revenue monthly, and patience. That’s because the process can take weeks, even months before an approval is determined, and a dime is deposited in the loan recipient’s account. There is one more hurdle, one that most small businesses cannot surmount: few small business loan applications are approved- ever. Little cash is held in escrow for small business owners. There has to be a better, faster way for, and there is.
The run around is not what small to midsize businesses can expect at Milestone Capital. Instead, how does this sound?
- Never pay a broker fee!
- We offer the lowest rates in the marketplace- lower than our competitors’
- We offer longer terms than our competitors.
- If your business qualifies, we offer fast funding within 24 hours of approval
- There is a Milestone working capital financing program for every business
- What works best for you- we offer daily, weekly, or bi-weekly payments
- Qualifying criteria, far more reasonable than at a traditional financial institution
What could your business do with an additional $10K to $1M? What if you could have fast loans in the amount your company needs in hours, not weeks or months? To learn more about how your business may qualify for fast business loans, or to schedule a confidential consultation with Milestone Capital Funding, submit our form or call today: (516) 204-1741.